Penncrest High School
Class of 1963

Probably the best reunion so far.


More pictures on page 3


Sandy Sorkin and Helen Essaf Cogley.

Jay Fenwick and Dave Hodges.  You can just make out Jay's twin brother in the background.  It is hard to tell which one is the evil twin

Jerry Stretch, Jay Fenwick, and Dave Hodges discussing the merits of trading a camera for a can of beer.

Jim Scholten.  In the background are Barry Diamond and Sandra Singer Rigby.

Skip Achuff, Sandra Singer Rigby, and Marilyn (Becky) Woodruff Case.


Jay Fenwick and Sandy Sorkin discussing chess. It has been an unfair competition over the internet because Jay gets help from his daughter Melanie.


The tables start to fill.

Jay MacLaughlin finds sustenance and defies anyone to get near his food. 


Tinsley, Diamond, and Tunaitis table.

We thought that the Thunderbird door-prize would have attracted more people to the reunion. Here is the ceremony where Sandy turns the keys over to the lucky winner. Congratulations Rick, we're all a little envious.

If you are truly from the class of 63, you know the make, model, and year.



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Updated on 12/11/12